Let me save you from your digital junk drawer
This weekend my family and I headed to downtown Detroit for lunch at one of our favorite spots: Slow's Take Away...for those of you with toddlers who can not handle the long wait at the restaurant, we find the take location perfect as they do have tables to eat at! Either way, after we were finished, I grabbed all the little hand wet wipes and when we got home I went to put them in my junk drawer only to find it overflowing, again.
The funny thing about junk drawers is they are full of little things we value and want, but often do not use enough and are often forgotten. In many ways they are full of our best intentions.
Later in the day, my husband and son went out leaving me with some good old alone time. We are getting ready to buy a new computer so I sat down to cull a few of my photo files. And I was suddenly struck with the fact that my "Photos" folder was much like my junk drawer...full of photos I had intended to have made into wall art an hung, but just have not gotten around to it - and I am a photographer with access to the best print services!
And I know that I am not alone, I have had friends show me their drawers full of USBs from past family sessions, just collecting dust and waiting to go corrupt. In fact, seeing one of these drawers a few years ago was what made me make the decision to start selling products and designing gallery walls instead of selling digital files...seeing a friend kitchen drawer full of USB's made me realize people need help seeing their best intentions through!
So if you are reading this, and suddenly trying to remember where you stashed the thumb drive from your last session or looking at an empty wall in your dining room thinking "wouldn't it be nice"...just call me and schedule a Free Consultation. We will discuss what sort of session you want and what you want to do with your final images. This can be anything from a buying a few 5x7 images floating in an aged bronze frame to designing a gallery wall to hang behind your couch or buying a large 20x30 for over the fireplace. Whatever you are thinking, I can help make it happen.